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2022 Camille Thiriet Cote de Nuits La Robignotte

Upprunalegt verð 17.300 kr. - Upprunalegt verð 17.300 kr.
Upprunalegt verð
17.300 kr.
17.300 kr. - 17.300 kr.
Núverandi verð 17.300 kr.
5 Star wine: 93 The vineyard takes its name from a previous owner, Sergeant Robignot, in Napoleonic times. It lies on a vein of blue marl which may explain its individual character. Mid crimson ruby in colour, la Robignotte is classically perfumed, all in cherries, delivering a gorgeous intensity right from the start, just a little white pepper behind, then comes another wave of the cherry fruit. 40% whole bunches as this is the first year. Effortless, harmonious and digeste, as the French describe things – digestible in English doesn’t do the wine justice. Drink from 2026-2035. Tasted: December 2023.
Vörutegund Rauðvín
Árgangur 2022 Styrkleiki 13.0%
Flokkur Cote de Nuits Stærð 75 cl
Land Frakkland Hérað Burgundy
Ekra La Robignotte Þrúga Pinot Noir
Þorp Comblanchen

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