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2022 Grimaldi Nebbiolo d'Alba Bonurei

frá Grimaldi
Upprunalegt verð 4.300 kr. - Upprunalegt verð 4.300 kr.
Upprunalegt verð
4.300 kr.
4.300 kr. - 4.300 kr.
Núverandi verð 4.300 kr.

Þetta vín kemur af ekrum sem staðsettar eru milli Barolo og Barbaresco og dvelur 6 mánuði á eikartunnu. Lítilsháttar skref upp frá Scassa sem þó kann að vera smekksatriði.

91 points A bright and succulent nebbiolo that offers ripe cherries, raspberries, spices and hints of nutmeg and cocoa. Medium-bodied, textured and mouth-filling, with a juicy mid-palate and a flavorful, mineral aftertaste. Drink or hold. - James Suckling

Leads off with graphite aromas, with lively cherry, strawberry, rose and licorice flavors. Linear and sinewy, with very good intensity and balance. The finish is lined with light tannins. Drink now through 2026.- WineSpectator Bruce Sanderson

Nebbiolo is the synonym of elegance which is pursued in this wine. Nebbiolo
d’Alba is the young and fresh expression of this grape variety.
This is a 100% Nebbiolo wine produced with grapes from vineyards located
on the border of the Barolo area. It shows floral aromas with hints of ripe
fruit and spices. On the palate, elegant tannins blend with the structure and
find a harmonious balance with aging.

Vörutegund Rauðvín
Árgangur 2022 Styrkleiki 14.5%
Stærð 75 cl
Land Ítalía Hérað Piedmont
Þrúga Nebbiolo

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Vöruhúsið okkar að Eyjarslóð 9, 101 Reykjavík er opið sem hér segir:

Mánudaga-föstudaga 10:00-18:00.
Laugardaga 12:00-14:00.