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2020 Armand Rousseau Grand Cru Charmes-Chambertin

Upprunalegt verð 89.000 kr. - Upprunalegt verð 89.000 kr.
Upprunalegt verð
89.000 kr.
89.000 kr. - 89.000 kr.
Núverandi verð 89.000 kr.


92 More crimson than purple. A little reductive on the nose. More in the brawny style with a certain funkiness, which is probably not bacterial. Plenty of weight on the palate, and length. Maybe a bit funky for some. Drink from 2028-2035. Tasted: September 2024.
93-96 This cuvée arrived in grape form and has been vinified with two thirds whole bunches. Huge ripe rich purple, this has concentration without being too heavy, the fruit swarming all over the palate, and there is a little point of acidity at the back. Very rich but certainly balanced, this will make quite an exciting Charmes. Tasted: October 2021.
Vörutegund Rauðvín
Árgangur 2020 Styrkleiki 13.50%
Flokkur Grand Cru Stærð 75 cl
Land Frakkland Hérað Burgundy
Ekra Charmes-Chambertin Þrúga Pinot Noir
Þorp Gevrey-Chambertin


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