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2020 Camille Giroud Corton Le Rognet Grand Cru

Upprunalegt verð 19.800 kr. - Upprunalegt verð 19.800 kr.
Upprunalegt verð
19.800 kr.
19.800 kr. - 19.800 kr.
Núverandi verð 19.800 kr.
91 A fresh ruby colour, lighter than most while retaining brightness. Dark raspberry fruit, quite reticent, evidently a minimally extracted style. Plenty of oak, but not too much for the fruit, an attractive coating of red fruit across the palate, with decent length. Drink from 2027-2038. Tasted: September 2024.


92-94  50% whole bunch. Fine powerful purple while the stems liven up the bouquet. This is showing by some way the best of the three Cortons, with a concentration of dark fruit flavour which works very well. Just a little white pepper at the back, and the fruit is certainly ripe, but the vinification style carries it through very successfully. Tasted: October 2021 - Jasper Morris

Vörutegund Rauðvín
Árgangur 2020 Styrkleiki 14.00%
Flokkur Grand Cru Stærð 75 cl
Land Frakkland Hérað Burgundy
Ekra Le Rogner Þrúga Pinot Noir
Þorp Aloxe-Corton

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Mánudaga-föstudaga 10:00-18:00.
Laugardaga 12:00-14:00.