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2020 Camille Giroud Chambertin Grand Cru

Upprunalegt verð 60.100 kr. - Upprunalegt verð 60.100 kr.
Upprunalegt verð
60.100 kr.
60.100 kr. - 60.100 kr.
Núverandi verð 60.100 kr.
96 A bright crimson purple, with an immediately heady bouquet. The roses have become peonies. The fruit is pretty striking on the palate, the question is where the ripeness lands in the spread between optimum and maximum. Fine long aftertaste. Drink from 2028-2040. Tasted: September 2024. - Jasper Morris


93-96 3 barrels made, with 50% whole bunches. Very dense and dark colour, the power rather hiding the fruit at the moment. How is the balance? Black fruit much more than red, lower acidity than some. Maybe needs more time. The fruit spreads out very well at the back though, so I think this may become very good. Carel has confidence and I like previous vintages, but will score conservatively for now. Tasted: October 2021 - Jasper Morris

Vörutegund Rauðvín
Árgangur 2020 Styrkleiki 14.50%
Flokkur Grand Cru Stærð 75 cl
Land Frakkland Hérað Burgundy
Ekra Chambertin Þrúga Pinot Noir
Þorp Gevrey-Chambertin

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Vöruhúsið okkar að Eyjarslóð 9, 101 Reykjavík er opið sem hér segir:

Mánudaga-föstudaga 10:00-18:00.
Laugardaga 12:00-14:00.