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2020 Grimaldi Barolo Camilla DOCG

frá Grimaldi
Upprunalegt verð 6.200 kr. - Upprunalegt verð 6.200 kr.
Upprunalegt verð
6.200 kr.
6.200 kr. - 6.200 kr.
Núverandi verð 6.200 kr.

92 punktar James Suckling

92 punktar Vinous

92 punktar Kerin O’Keefe

Our Barolo Camilla is the expression of the vineyards that our family have been farming for generations in different villages of the Langa. The Nebbiolo grapes are carefully blended to produce an elegant and refined Barolo. This wine represents the harmony and the balance of a traditional Barolo. The aromas are ample and floral with nuances of spices. The palateis gentle with fine tannins balanced with the typical structure, which can beappreciated in youth for those who love the energy of Barolo that reaches its best expression with a few years of bottle age.

Vörutegund Rauðvín
Árgangur 2020 Styrkleiki 14.5%
Stærð 75 cl
Land Ítalía Hérað Piedmont
Þrúga Nebbiolo
Þorp Barolo

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Mánudaga-föstudaga 10:00-18:00.
Laugardaga 12:00-14:00.