2022 Camille Thiriet Cote de Nuits La Montagne

10.700 ISK

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En við getum látið þig vita þegar hún kemur aftur.

5 Star wine: 91 One of the new domaine vineyards from Corgoloin, not to be confused with Aux Montagnes in Comblanchien. Mid slope on light clay. Clear crimson purple. A very elegant pure raspberry nose. Super perfume here, fine acidity, a little more tension perhaps, a fresh acidity at the back, with similar length. Hard to separate the two. Drink from 2025-2030. Tasted: December 2023. - Jasper Morris

Nánari upplýsingar

  • Vörutegund: Rauðvín
  • Árgangur: 2022
  • Stærð: 75 cl
  • Styrkleiki: 13.0%
  • Þrúga: Pinot Noir
  • Uppruni: Frakkland, Burgundy, Comblanchen, La Montagne